Filter Feed Non-Interacted LEADS AND/OR POSTS

💡 Ideas


  • when you engage with a post, the post stays in the feed
  • 20% of leads make 80% of the posts so you don't see the posts of the other people
  • it's hard to build yourself a process to engage leads
  • it's not satisfying to engage with a post (lack of reward)


  • create a default filter where you only see the posts you never interacted with
  • create a filter where you see only the leads you never interacted with
  • make the posts disappear from the feed when you interact with them (like a rewarding micro-animation)
  • display the number of posts to remaining to engage to motive people, to have a GOAL
Arnaud Belinga

1 year ago

Arnaud Belinga changed status to 💡 Ideas

1 year ago
